How To Unblock Limiting Beliefs? | Paloma Chiara

How To Unblock Limiting Beliefs?

How To Unblock Limiting Beliefs?

Every decision, belief, and action you take is shaping the reality of that world. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you have the power to influence your surroundings and create the life you want. But sometimes, doubts and limiting beliefs creep in, making you feel small, stuck, and unsure of your worth. These beliefs can hold you back from reaching your full potential.

The good news? You can rewrite these beliefs. Let’s walk through this powerful process of shifting your mindset, because once you understand the difference between limiting and empowering beliefs, everything changes.

Step 1: Identify Your Limiting Belief and Replace It

Your mind holds onto beliefs that shape your reality. For instance, if you didn’t get that job you were hoping for, you might feel like you’re not good enough. This belief becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, making you settle for less than what you deserve. The first step is to identify the limiting belief.

Here’s the kicker—once you know what it is, it’s time to rewrite it. So, instead of sticking with “I am not good enough,” how about aiming higher? Try “I deserve good things”. Sounds simple, but it’s a game-changer. It might feel uncomfortable at first because your mind isn’t used to this new belief, but that’s a sign it’s working.

Step 2: Envision Two Futures

Now, imagine two scenarios: one where you keep believing, “I’m not good enough,” and one where you’ve fully embraced, “I deserve good things.” What do each of these lives look like one year, five years, even ten years from now?

If you stick with your old belief, you might see a future where you’re stuck in unfulfilling relationships, stagnant in your career, and missing out on opportunities because of self-doubt. The years tick by, and you’re unhappy and unmotivated.

Now, shift your focus to the belief, “I deserve good things.” Imagine the doors that open when you believe in your worth. You’re taking chances, going after what you want, and even though there are failures along the way, you view them as learning experiences. You’re building a life filled with joy, success, and love, knowing that you’re worthy of it all.

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Step 3: Take Action Aligned with Your New Belief

Here’s where the magic happens: it’s time to take action. You can’t just think you deserve good things—you have to start living like it’s true. Every choice you make should reflect this new belief. If you’re in a toxic situationship, it’s time to leave. If your job doesn’t fulfill you, apply for that dream role. If a friend is draining your energy, it’s time to reconsider the friendship.

You’ll start to notice that each action you take from this new belief builds evidence that reinforces it. Over time, your brain rewires itself to fully accept that you deserve good things, and it will become second nature. It’s a long process, but step by step, you’ll see how your life transforms.

How a life coach helps: A life coach helps you break down your new belief into actionable steps. They work with you to identify where you’re holding back and offer practical strategies to take bold, aligned action in your daily life. As you build this evidence, your coach helps you celebrate each win, no matter how small, reinforcing your new belief system.

Rewriting Limiting Beliefs in 3 Steps:

  1. Identify and Replace: Recognize your limiting belief and create a new, empowering one.
  2. Envision Both Futures: Visualize how your life looks with both the limiting belief and the empowering one.
  3. Take Aligned Action: Begin living according to the new belief, step by step, building evidence that supports it.

Life is full of ups and downs, but with the right mindset and tools, you can navigate through the toughest moments and create a future you’re excited about. When you rewrite limiting beliefs, you become the leader of your planet—a planet where your dreams and potential are within reach. As a life coach, I’m here to help guide you through this process, offering personalized support to help you thrive and embrace the life you truly deserve. Reach out if you need a little extra help on this journey—I’m always happy to listen and provide guidance.

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