
Personalized coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs and goals.

You didn’t come this far to only come this far. Start your transformation journey today.

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Life Coaching Specialties

  • Personal Development Coaching

    Unlocking potential through self-discipline, accountability, and goal-setting.

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  • Travel Coaching

    Tailored guidance for creating transformative travel experiences, providing personalized itineraries and knowledge to maximize your adventures.

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  • Relationship Coaching

    Helping couples strengthen their communication while navigating challenges and fostering a fulfilling partnership.

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  • Client Confidentiality

    Client Confidentiality

    Our sessions are held in strict confidentiality. This creates a secure and private environment where you can freely explore your thoughts, knowing that your privacy is respected and protected.

  • Empowered Autonomy

    Empowered Autonomy

    You won't be given instructions on what to do. Instead, I serve as a guide to create an objective environment that allows you to make decisions based on what you believe is best for yourself

  • Personalized Solutions

    Personalized Solutions

    Rather than employing a one-size-fits-all approach, it is important to me to work collaboratively with you to cultivate a personalized process that meets your unique needs.

Life coaching is for you if...

  • You feel stuck, uncertain, or lacking direction in your life.
  • You're fed up with repeating unfulfilling patterns and want to break free.
  • You're feeling lost or overwhelmed and need guidance to find your way.
  • You're struggling with self-doubt or limiting beliefs that hold you back.
  • You're craving a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your personal or professional life.
  • You're ready to make a change but need support and accountability to stay on track.
  • You're open to exploring new possibilities and taking proactive steps towards positive transformation.
  • You're facing a major life transition, such as a career change, divorce, or retirement, and need assistance navigating it.
  • You want to improve your relationships, whether it's with your partner, family, or colleagues, and seek guidance on communication and conflict resolution.
  • You're interested in enhancing your overall well-being, including managing stress, improving time management, and achieving a healthier work-life balance.
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Life coaching is for you if...



I came into contact with Chiara about a year ago when I was having a lost period in my life, I had a lot of confused thoughts bouncing around in my head and couldn't get myself out of this. We started by having 2 conversations every week where slowly but surely we moved forward and gradually I saw a light in all the darkness and started to feel better. Chiara is an exceptionally good listener who truly understands human psychology on a deeper level. She doesn't judge anyone for anything and when she talks it's like an angel sent from heaven with a message. I recommend anyone who is stuck in life in different ways to try a few conversations with Chiara to see if she can open up new thought patterns and come up with messages that help. For me, she will always have a special place in my heart.


Chiara is kind and understanding, and very good at listening, yet at the same time has great opinions that she knows how to express and are very insightful. She understands that problems can be complex and not black or white, and helps you navigate difficult situations and find solutions to problems. She has helped me recognise important truths that I wasn’t aware of, and I am so greatful for that! Whatever your problems are, or goals that you want to achieve, Chiara is a great partner by your side!


Paloma has helped me in different moments and aspects of my life. I feel that with her, I can talk about anything without feeling judged, and she helps me delve deeper and understand many of the concerns I have. She helps me move from a cloud of thoughts to something more concrete, so I can truly find possible solutions and take actions to improve my life. Regarding my relationship, she also helped me identify the origin of many fears, needs, disagreements... to reflect on them from self-awareness, empathy, but also by setting boundaries and affirming my self-worth as a person. I wholeheartedly recommend her services because you will truly see results.


  • Yes, life coaching can be highly effective for individuals seeking personal growth and positive change. Through personalized guidance, support, and accountability, life coaches empower clients to clarify their goals, overcome obstacles, and achieve meaningful results. However, success ultimately depends on the client's commitment, openness to change, and active participation in the coaching process. Read blog

  • Yes, a life coach can help people with anxiety by providing guidance, support, and tools to manage and reduce anxiety symptoms. They can help clients develop coping strategies, implement stress-management techniques, and work towards building resilience and a more balanced lifestyle. However, it's important to note that severe or clinical anxiety requires the expertise of a mental health professional. Read blog

  • Yes, life coaching can be beneficial for individuals experiencing depression by offering support, motivation, and strategies to improve their overall well-being. While they can provide guidance in areas such as goal-setting, mindset shifts, and self-care practices, it's important to note that severe or clinical depression should be addressed by a qualified mental health professional who can provide appropriate treatment and therapy. Read blog

  • Yes, a life coach can help individuals improve their relationships by providing guidance, communication strategies, and tools to enhance connection and understanding. They can assist in identifying patterns, improving communication skills, and fostering healthier dynamics, ultimately supporting clients in building stronger and more fulfilling relationships. Read blog

  • No, a life coach cannot act as a therapist as they have different roles and qualifications. While life coaches focus on personal development, goal-setting, and accountability, therapists are trained mental health professionals who provide diagnosis, treatment, and therapy for various mental health conditions. It's essential to seek the appropriate professional based on your specific needs. Read blog

  • While it is possible to engage in self-coaching practices and personal development, having an external life coach can provide valuable perspective, accountability, and support. A life coach offers an objective viewpoint, specialized expertise, and guidance that can enhance the effectiveness and depth of the coaching process, facilitating greater personal growth and transformation. Read blog

  • A life coach can provide personalized guidance, support, and accountability to help you clarify your goals, overcome obstacles, and reach your full potential. They can assist in identifying limiting beliefs, creating action plans, and fostering personal growth in various areas of your life. Ultimately, a life coach can empower you to make positive changes, gain clarity, and achieve meaningful results. Read blog

  • No, a life coach does not typically provide specific guidance or expertise in weight loss. While they can offer support in setting goals and maintaining accountability, for weight loss purposes, it is generally more effective to consult with a registered dietitian, nutritionist, or fitness professional who can provide specialized guidance and expertise in nutrition, exercise, and weight management. Read blog

  • Yes, a life coach can help individuals improve their confidence by offering guidance, tools, and techniques to develop self-belief, overcome self-doubt, and cultivate a positive mindset. Through personalized strategies, support, and accountability, a life coach can empower individuals to build and sustain confidence in various areas of their lives, leading to personal growth and greater success. Read blog

  • Life coaching works by establishing a collaborative partnership between the coach and the client. The coach guides the client through a process of self-discovery, goal-setting, and action planning. Through active listening, powerful questioning, and providing support and accountability, the coach helps the client unlock their potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve desired outcomes. Read blog

  • You should consider getting a life coach when you feel stuck, lack clarity, or desire to make positive changes in your life. A life coach can be beneficial if you want support in achieving goals, improving relationships, navigating career transitions, or enhancing personal development. It's a valuable resource for those seeking guidance, accountability, and a fresh perspective on their journey towards personal growth and fulfillment. Read blog

  • The duration of life coaching varies depending on individual needs and goals. It can range from a few weeks to several months, with regular sessions typically conducted weekly or bi-weekly. The length of the coaching relationship is determined collaboratively between the client and the coach, based on the progress made and the desired outcomes. Read blog

  • You can start by conducting a search on Google. Simply enter relevant keywords such as "life coach" or "personal development coach" along with your location to find local options. Explore their websites, read client testimonials, and review their credentials to ensure they align with your needs and values. Additionally, online coaching directories and platforms can provide a curated list of certified coaches with detailed profiles, making it easier to find a suitable match for your coaching journey. Read blog

  • To make the most of working with a life coach, it's important to have a clear understanding of your goals and objectives. Communicate openly and honestly with your coach, sharing your challenges, aspirations, and progress. Take an active role in the coaching process by implementing recommended strategies and holding yourself accountable for taking necessary actions towards personal growth and desired outcomes. Read blog

  • Anyone can benefit from working with a life coach, especially those who feel stuck, lack clarity, or desire positive change in their lives. Individuals seeking support in achieving goals, improving relationships, navigating career transitions, or enhancing personal development can greatly benefit from the guidance, accountability, and fresh perspective that a life coach provides. Read blog

  • Life coaching is effective because it offers personalized guidance and support tailored to individual needs. Coaches help clients gain clarity, set meaningful goals, and develop actionable plans. The accountability, motivation, and empowerment provided by a life coach contribute to improved self-awareness, confidence, and ultimately, the achievement of desired results. Read blog

  • While both a life coach and a mentor provide guidance and support, there are key differences. A life coach focuses on personal growth, goal-setting, and accountability, offering structured sessions and strategies. A mentor, on the other hand, shares their expertise and experiences to provide industry-specific guidance and advice. Read blog

  • A lifestyle coach and a life coach share similarities but have different focuses. A lifestyle coach primarily addresses specific areas of a person's lifestyle, such as health, fitness, or relationships. A life coach takes a broader approach, addressing various aspects of a person's life, including personal growth, career, relationships, and overall well-being. Read blog

  • Deciding between seeing a therapist or a life coach depends on your specific needs. A therapist is appropriate when dealing with mental health concerns or clinical diagnoses, while a life coach is beneficial for personal development, goal-setting, and achieving desired outcomes. It's important to assess your situation, consider the level of support required, and choose the appropriate professional accordingly. Read blog

  • A life coach can be instrumental in helping with career development and transitions. They can assist in clarifying goals, developing strategies, and providing accountability and support throughout the process. A life coach can help you gain clarity, overcome obstacles, and make meaningful progress towards a fulfilling and successful career. Read blog


  • Destigmatizing Menstruation

    Menstruation, a natural and essential aspect of the female reproductive system, has long been shrouded in secrecy, shame, and stigma across cultures worldwide. Despite being a universal experience for half of the population, discussions around menstruation are often met with discomfort, silence, or even disgust. This pervasive stigma not only perpetuates harmful myths and taboos but also hinders access to menstrual health education and resources. In this article, we’ll delve into the roots of menstrual stigma, explore its impact on individuals and societies, and advocate for open dialogue and cycle syncing awareness as vital steps towards breaking down barriers and fostering holistic well-being.

    Understanding the Stigma

    The social stigma surrounding menstruation finds its roots in deep-seated cultural taboos and myths that have been passed down through generations. Across many societies, menstruation is viewed as impure, dirty, or even sinful, leading to practices of segregation, exclusion, and discrimination against menstruating individuals. These beliefs are often reinforced by societal norms, religious teachings, and media portrayals that depict menstruation as something to be hidden or ashamed of rather than celebrated as a natural bodily function.

    The Impact of Silence

    The silence and shame surrounding menstruation have far-reaching consequences, particularly concerning menstrual health and well-being. Inadequate menstrual hygiene management due to stigma can lead to increased risk of infections, reproductive health issues, and even social isolation. Moreover, the lack of open dialogue about menstruation perpetuates ignorance and misinformation, contributing to widespread myths about periods and reproductive health.

    To combat menstrual stigma effectively, we must first dismantle the barriers of shame and silence through education, awareness, and advocacy. Breaking the taboo requires fostering open dialogue and creating safe spaces for discussions about menstruation in homes, schools, workplaces, and communities. By normalizing conversations about periods and challenging negative attitudes and beliefs, we can empower individuals to embrace their menstrual health and advocate for their rights.

    Bridging Science and Well-being

    One powerful way to promote menstrual health and well-being is through aligning daily activities and lifestyle choices with the different phases of the menstrual cycle. By tuning into their bodies and understanding the hormonal fluctuations that occur throughout the menstrual cycle, individuals can optimize their health, productivity, and overall well-being.

    Destigmatizing menstruation not only fosters a culture of acceptance but also holds the potential to catalyze scientific inquiry into the effects of syncing one’s lifestyle to their cycle. By breaking down the barriers of shame and silence surrounding menstruation, we create an environment where researchers feel emboldened to explore the intricate interplay between hormonal fluctuations and daily life activities. With greater societal acceptance and awareness of menstruation, scientists are more likely to conduct rigorous studies that investigate the physical, emotional, and cognitive impacts of cycle syncing. This, in turn, can lead to a deeper understanding of how individuals can optimize their health and productivity by aligning their lifestyles with their natural cycles, paving the way for evidence-based practices and interventions to support menstrual health and well-being.

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  • How To Sync Your Lifestyle During the Luteal Phase?

    Every month, our bodies undergo a cyclical journey guided by hormonal changes known as the menstrual cycle. This cycle influences not just our physical health, but also our emotional and mental well-being. One powerful method of harnessing this cycle’s potential is by syncing our lifestyle with its different phases. Aligning our activities and choices with each stage can lead to enhanced health and productivity. In this article, we’ll explore how to sync your lifestyle specifically with the luteal phase and tailor your habits to support your body during this time.

    The Luteal Phase

    The luteal phase typically occurs after ovulation and lasts for approximately 10-14 days. During this phase, the ruptured ovarian follicle transforms into a structure called the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. Progesterone levels increase, preparing the uterine lining for potential implantation. Additionally, estrogen levels remain elevated, albeit lower than during the follicular phase.

    Syncing Different Areas of Your Life to the Luteal Phase

    Your Body

    How Your Body Might Feel During the Luteal Phase

    • Increased fatigue or lethargy
    • Breast tenderness or swelling
    • Bloating or water retention
    • Digestive disturbances, such as constipation or bloating
    • Potential for mood swings or irritability

    Suggestions for Your Body During the Luteal Phase

    • Incorporate gentle forms of exercise, such as walking or yoga, to support your body while managing fatigue.
    • Focus on nourishing, balanced meals to stabilize blood sugar levels and alleviate digestive discomfort.
    • Prioritize self-care activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress, such as taking warm baths or practicing mindfulness.
    • Listen to your body’s signals and honor your need for rest and rejuvenation during this phase.

    Your Mind

    How Your Mind Might Feel During the Luteal Phase

    • Heightened emotional sensitivity
    • Increased introspection and self-reflection
    • Tendency towards anxiety or worry
    • Difficulty concentrating or focusing
    • Potential for mood fluctuations or irritability

    Suggestions for Your Mind During the Luteal Phase

    • Practice self-compassion and patience with yourself as you navigate the emotional fluctuations of the luteal phase.
    • Engage in activities that promote emotional well-being, such as journaling, meditation, or spending time in nature.
    • Seek support from loved ones or mental health professionals if you’re struggling with anxiety or mood swings.
    • Create a calm and supportive environment for yourself, minimizing exposure to stressors or triggers.

    Your Productivity

    How Your Productivity Might Feel During the Luteal Phase

    • Decreased motivation or energy levels
    • Difficulty initiating or completing tasks
    • Need for more breaks or rest periods
    • Potential for increased perfectionism or self-criticism

    Suggestions for Your Productivity During the Luteal Phase

    • Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps to prevent overwhelm and maintain productivity.
    • Prioritize tasks that align with your energy levels and focus on completing essential responsibilities first.
    • Practice self-compassion and acknowledge that productivity may fluctuate during this phase.

    Your Social Life

    How Your Social Life Might Feel During the Luteal Phase

    • Desire for comfort and familiarity
    • Increased need for alone time or solitude
    • Potential for sensitivity to social interactions
    • Preference for low-key or intimate gatherings

    Suggestions for Your Social Life During the Luteal Phase

    • Communicate your needs with friends and loved ones, expressing a desire for understanding and support during this phase.
    • Plan activities that prioritize self-care and relaxation, such as cozy nights in or quiet dinners with close friends.
    • Honor your need for solitude and take time for introspection and self-reflection.
    • Surround yourself with supportive individuals who respect your boundaries and offer compassion during this phase.

    Your Creativity

    How Your Creativity Might Feel During the Luteal Phase

    • Decreased inspiration or motivation to create
    • Tendency towards self-doubt or perfectionism
    • Desire for familiar or comforting creative pursuits
    • Potential for deeper emotional expression through art

    Suggestions for Your Creativity During the Luteal Phase

    • Allow yourself grace and patience with your creative process, recognizing that inspiration may ebb and flow.
    • Experiment with gentle, low-pressure creative activities that bring you joy, such as coloring or collage-making.
    • Engage in art therapy or expressive writing as a means of processing emotions and tapping into your creativity.
    • Seek inspiration from nature, literature, or music to reignite your passion and spark new ideas.
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  • How To Sync Your Lifestyle During the Ovulatory Phase?

    Every month, our bodies undergo a cyclical journey guided by hormonal changes known as the menstrual cycle. This cycle influences not just our physical health, but also our emotional and mental well-being. One powerful method of harnessing this cycle’s potential is by syncing our lifestyle with its different phases. Aligning our activities and choices with each stage can lead to enhanced health and productivity. In this article, we’ll explore how to sync your lifestyle specifically with the ovulatory phase and tailor your habits to support your body during this time.

    The Ovulatory Phase

    The ovulatory phase typically occurs around day 14 of the menstrual cycle and lasts for approximately 3-4 days. This phase is characterized by a surge in luteinizing hormone (LH), which triggers the release of a mature egg from the ovary. Estrogen levels peak during this time, promoting fertility and increasing libido.

    Syncing Different Areas of Your Life to the Ovulatory Phase

    Your Body

    How Your Body Might Feel During the Ovulatory Phase

    • Peak energy levels
    • Heightened libido and sexual desire
    • Increased confidence and assertiveness
    • Potential for ovulation-related discomfort or bloating
    • Enhanced physical performance

    Suggestions for Your Body During the Ovulatory Phase

    • Take advantage of your peak energy levels by engaging in high-intensity workouts or sports activities.
    • Communicate openly with your partner about your increased libido and explore ways to connect intimately.
    • Listen to your body and provide extra care if experiencing ovulation-related discomfort, such as using heat therapy.

    Your Mind

    How Your Mind Might Feel During the Ovulatory Phase

    • Increased mental clarity and focus
    • Heightened assertiveness in communication
    • Enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills
    • Positive outlook and confidence in decision-making

    Suggestions for Your Mind During the Ovulatory Phase

    • Channel your mental clarity and focus into goal-setting and planning for the future.
    • Embrace opportunities for open communication and assertiveness in your personal and professional relationships.
    • Use your heightened creativity to brainstorm innovative ideas or solutions to challenges.
    • Trust your intuition and make decisions with confidence, knowing that you are in tune with your body’s natural rhythms.

    Your Productivity

    How Your Productivity Might Feel During the Ovulatory Phase

    • Peak productivity and efficiency
    • Ability to multitask effectively
    • Motivation to tackle ambitious projects or initiatives
    • Desire to take on leadership roles or responsibilities

    Suggestions for Your Productivity During the Ovulatory Phase

    • Capitalize on your peak productivity by tackling challenging tasks or projects that require focused attention.
    • Prioritize time-sensitive or high-priority tasks to maximize your efficiency.
    • Delegate tasks as needed to leverage your strengths and optimize productivity.
    • Set clear boundaries to prevent overcommitting and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

    Your Social Life

    How Social Levels Might Feel During the Ovulatory Phase

    • Desire for social connection and engagement
    • Increased charm and sociability
    • Willingness to meet new people and try new experiences
    • Capacity for deep and meaningful conversations

    Suggestions for Your Social Life During the Ovulatory Phase

    • Plan social gatherings or events to connect with friends and loved ones and celebrate life.
    • Attend networking events or social gatherings to expand your social circle and forge new connections.
    • Embrace opportunities for spontaneity and adventure, such as trying new activities or exploring new places.
    • Engage in deep and meaningful conversations with others to foster genuine connections and understanding.

    Your Creativity

    How Your Creativity Might Feel During the Ovulatory Phase

    • Heightened inspiration and imagination
    • Increased motivation to pursue creative projects
    • Desire to express yourself authentically and passionately
    • Potential for breakthroughs in creative thinking

    Suggestions for Your Creativity During the Ovulatory Phase

    • Dedicate time to pursue creative endeavors that ignite your passion and spark your imagination.
    • Surround yourself with inspiring stimuli, such as art, music, or nature, to fuel your creativity.
    • Collaborate with other creatives or participate in group activities to share ideas and receive feedback.
    • Embrace experimentation and risk-taking in your creative pursuits, allowing yourself to explore new ideas and techniques freely.
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The App Made To Sync Your Lifestyle to Your Menstrual Cycle.

A solution for women who are looking to keep track of what they sync to their cycles, such as fitness, diet, etc. by adding it to a calendar that also predict their phases.

Learn more
  • The App Made To Sync Your Lifestyle to Your Menstrual Cycle.
  • The App Made To Sync Your Lifestyle to Your Menstrual Cycle.
  • The App Made To Sync Your Lifestyle to Your Menstrual Cycle.