
Personalized coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs and goals.

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Life Coaching Specialties

  • Personal Development Coaching

    Unlocking potential through self-discipline, accountability, and goal-setting.

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  • Travel Coaching

    Tailored guidance for creating transformative travel experiences, providing personalized itineraries and knowledge to maximize your adventures.

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  • Relationship Coaching

    Helping couples strengthen their communication while navigating challenges and fostering a fulfilling partnership.

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  • Client Confidentiality

    Client Confidentiality

    Our sessions are held in strict confidentiality. This creates a secure and private environment where you can freely explore your thoughts, knowing that your privacy is respected and protected.

  • Empowered Autonomy

    Empowered Autonomy

    You won't be given instructions on what to do. Instead, I serve as a guide to create an objective environment that allows you to make decisions based on what you believe is best for yourself

  • Personalized Solutions

    Personalized Solutions

    Rather than employing a one-size-fits-all approach, it is important to me to work collaboratively with you to cultivate a personalized process that meets your unique needs.

Life coaching is for you if...

  • You feel stuck, uncertain, or lacking direction in your life.
  • You're fed up with repeating unfulfilling patterns and want to break free.
  • You're feeling lost or overwhelmed and need guidance to find your way.
  • You're struggling with self-doubt or limiting beliefs that hold you back.
  • You're craving a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your personal or professional life.
  • You're ready to make a change but need support and accountability to stay on track.
  • You're open to exploring new possibilities and taking proactive steps towards positive transformation.
  • You're facing a major life transition, such as a career change, divorce, or retirement, and need assistance navigating it.
  • You want to improve your relationships, whether it's with your partner, family, or colleagues, and seek guidance on communication and conflict resolution.
  • You're interested in enhancing your overall well-being, including managing stress, improving time management, and achieving a healthier work-life balance.
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Life coaching is for you if...



I came into contact with Chiara about a year ago when I was having a lost period in my life, I had a lot of confused thoughts bouncing around in my head and couldn't get myself out of this. We started by having 2 conversations every week where slowly but surely we moved forward and gradually I saw a light in all the darkness and started to feel better. Chiara is an exceptionally good listener who truly understands human psychology on a deeper level. She doesn't judge anyone for anything and when she talks it's like an angel sent from heaven with a message. I recommend anyone who is stuck in life in different ways to try a few conversations with Chiara to see if she can open up new thought patterns and come up with messages that help. For me, she will always have a special place in my heart.


Chiara is kind and understanding, and very good at listening, yet at the same time has great opinions that she knows how to express and are very insightful. She understands that problems can be complex and not black or white, and helps you navigate difficult situations and find solutions to problems. She has helped me recognise important truths that I wasn’t aware of, and I am so greatful for that! Whatever your problems are, or goals that you want to achieve, Chiara is a great partner by your side!


Paloma has helped me in different moments and aspects of my life. I feel that with her, I can talk about anything without feeling judged, and she helps me delve deeper and understand many of the concerns I have. She helps me move from a cloud of thoughts to something more concrete, so I can truly find possible solutions and take actions to improve my life. Regarding my relationship, she also helped me identify the origin of many fears, needs, disagreements... to reflect on them from self-awareness, empathy, but also by setting boundaries and affirming my self-worth as a person. I wholeheartedly recommend her services because you will truly see results.


  • Yes, life coaching can be highly effective for individuals seeking personal growth and positive change. Through personalized guidance, support, and accountability, life coaches empower clients to clarify their goals, overcome obstacles, and achieve meaningful results. However, success ultimately depends on the client's commitment, openness to change, and active participation in the coaching process. Read blog

  • Yes, a life coach can help people with anxiety by providing guidance, support, and tools to manage and reduce anxiety symptoms. They can help clients develop coping strategies, implement stress-management techniques, and work towards building resilience and a more balanced lifestyle. However, it's important to note that severe or clinical anxiety requires the expertise of a mental health professional. Read blog

  • Yes, life coaching can be beneficial for individuals experiencing depression by offering support, motivation, and strategies to improve their overall well-being. While they can provide guidance in areas such as goal-setting, mindset shifts, and self-care practices, it's important to note that severe or clinical depression should be addressed by a qualified mental health professional who can provide appropriate treatment and therapy. Read blog

  • Yes, a life coach can help individuals improve their relationships by providing guidance, communication strategies, and tools to enhance connection and understanding. They can assist in identifying patterns, improving communication skills, and fostering healthier dynamics, ultimately supporting clients in building stronger and more fulfilling relationships. Read blog

  • No, a life coach cannot act as a therapist as they have different roles and qualifications. While life coaches focus on personal development, goal-setting, and accountability, therapists are trained mental health professionals who provide diagnosis, treatment, and therapy for various mental health conditions. It's essential to seek the appropriate professional based on your specific needs. Read blog

  • While it is possible to engage in self-coaching practices and personal development, having an external life coach can provide valuable perspective, accountability, and support. A life coach offers an objective viewpoint, specialized expertise, and guidance that can enhance the effectiveness and depth of the coaching process, facilitating greater personal growth and transformation. Read blog

  • A life coach can provide personalized guidance, support, and accountability to help you clarify your goals, overcome obstacles, and reach your full potential. They can assist in identifying limiting beliefs, creating action plans, and fostering personal growth in various areas of your life. Ultimately, a life coach can empower you to make positive changes, gain clarity, and achieve meaningful results. Read blog

  • No, a life coach does not typically provide specific guidance or expertise in weight loss. While they can offer support in setting goals and maintaining accountability, for weight loss purposes, it is generally more effective to consult with a registered dietitian, nutritionist, or fitness professional who can provide specialized guidance and expertise in nutrition, exercise, and weight management. Read blog

  • Yes, a life coach can help individuals improve their confidence by offering guidance, tools, and techniques to develop self-belief, overcome self-doubt, and cultivate a positive mindset. Through personalized strategies, support, and accountability, a life coach can empower individuals to build and sustain confidence in various areas of their lives, leading to personal growth and greater success. Read blog

  • Life coaching works by establishing a collaborative partnership between the coach and the client. The coach guides the client through a process of self-discovery, goal-setting, and action planning. Through active listening, powerful questioning, and providing support and accountability, the coach helps the client unlock their potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve desired outcomes. Read blog

  • You should consider getting a life coach when you feel stuck, lack clarity, or desire to make positive changes in your life. A life coach can be beneficial if you want support in achieving goals, improving relationships, navigating career transitions, or enhancing personal development. It's a valuable resource for those seeking guidance, accountability, and a fresh perspective on their journey towards personal growth and fulfillment. Read blog

  • The duration of life coaching varies depending on individual needs and goals. It can range from a few weeks to several months, with regular sessions typically conducted weekly or bi-weekly. The length of the coaching relationship is determined collaboratively between the client and the coach, based on the progress made and the desired outcomes. Read blog

  • You can start by conducting a search on Google. Simply enter relevant keywords such as "life coach" or "personal development coach" along with your location to find local options. Explore their websites, read client testimonials, and review their credentials to ensure they align with your needs and values. Additionally, online coaching directories and platforms can provide a curated list of certified coaches with detailed profiles, making it easier to find a suitable match for your coaching journey. Read blog

  • To make the most of working with a life coach, it's important to have a clear understanding of your goals and objectives. Communicate openly and honestly with your coach, sharing your challenges, aspirations, and progress. Take an active role in the coaching process by implementing recommended strategies and holding yourself accountable for taking necessary actions towards personal growth and desired outcomes. Read blog

  • Anyone can benefit from working with a life coach, especially those who feel stuck, lack clarity, or desire positive change in their lives. Individuals seeking support in achieving goals, improving relationships, navigating career transitions, or enhancing personal development can greatly benefit from the guidance, accountability, and fresh perspective that a life coach provides. Read blog

  • Life coaching is effective because it offers personalized guidance and support tailored to individual needs. Coaches help clients gain clarity, set meaningful goals, and develop actionable plans. The accountability, motivation, and empowerment provided by a life coach contribute to improved self-awareness, confidence, and ultimately, the achievement of desired results. Read blog

  • While both a life coach and a mentor provide guidance and support, there are key differences. A life coach focuses on personal growth, goal-setting, and accountability, offering structured sessions and strategies. A mentor, on the other hand, shares their expertise and experiences to provide industry-specific guidance and advice. Read blog

  • A lifestyle coach and a life coach share similarities but have different focuses. A lifestyle coach primarily addresses specific areas of a person's lifestyle, such as health, fitness, or relationships. A life coach takes a broader approach, addressing various aspects of a person's life, including personal growth, career, relationships, and overall well-being. Read blog

  • Deciding between seeing a therapist or a life coach depends on your specific needs. A therapist is appropriate when dealing with mental health concerns or clinical diagnoses, while a life coach is beneficial for personal development, goal-setting, and achieving desired outcomes. It's important to assess your situation, consider the level of support required, and choose the appropriate professional accordingly. Read blog

  • A life coach can be instrumental in helping with career development and transitions. They can assist in clarifying goals, developing strategies, and providing accountability and support throughout the process. A life coach can help you gain clarity, overcome obstacles, and make meaningful progress towards a fulfilling and successful career. Read blog


  • How Control Shapes Your Life

    In psychology, the concept of locus of control refers to how individuals perceive the causes of their success and failure. It’s a framework that helps explain whether people believe they are in charge of their lives or if external forces—like luck or fate—determine their outcomes. Julian Rotter introduced this idea in 1954, and it remains essential in understanding behavior, motivation, and personal development.

    This article will break down the differences between an external and internal locus of control, explore how each influences life outcomes, and explain how a life coach can help individuals shift towards an internal locus of control, enhancing personal and professional growth.

    What Is Locus of Control?

    The term locus means “place” or “location,” so locus of control refers to where a person believes control over their circumstances originates. It falls into two categories:

    Internal Locus of Control: People with an internal locus of control believe they are primarily responsible for the outcomes in their life. Their success or failure, in their view, stems from their actions, decisions, and effort. External Locus of Control: Those with an external locus of control feel that outside forces—like luck, fate, or other people—determine what happens in their lives.

    Characteristics of Internal Locus of Control

    People with an internal locus of control generally exhibit these traits:

    • Self-Efficacy: They believe in their ability to influence their lives and take responsibility for outcomes. Problem-Solving Approach: Challenges are approached proactively, with the belief that effort will lead to solutions.
    • Higher Achievement: Research shows that individuals with an internal locus of control often perform better academically and professionally because they set goals and work hard, believing their actions matter.
    • Accountability: They accept responsibility for both their successes and failures. Optimism About Control: They maintain that future outcomes can be shaped by their decisions, fostering resilience and a growth mindset.

    Characteristics of External Locus of Control

    In contrast, those with an external locus of control tend to have the following tendencies:

    • Attribution to External Factors: They credit luck, fate, or other external influences for their outcomes, whether positive or negative.
    • Passivity and Helplessness: Such individuals might feel powerless in the face of challenges, assuming they have little influence over outcomes.
    • Increased Stress and Anxiety: A belief that life is unpredictable or uncontrollable can heighten stress.
    • Blaming External Forces: Failures are often attributed to others or circumstances rather than personal actions.
    • Lower Motivation: They may feel less driven to work hard, as they believe their efforts don’t directly impact results.

    The Role of a Life Coach in Cultivating an Internal Locus of Control

    Shifting from an external to an internal locus of control can be transformative, but it often requires self-awareness and strategic guidance. This is where a life coach can be immensely helpful. Life coaches specialize in helping individuals break through mental barriers, build confidence, and take charge of their lives. Here are specific ways a life coach can help:

    Identifying Limiting Beliefs

    A life coach works with clients to uncover limiting beliefs that may be keeping them stuck in an external locus of control. For example, someone might believe that they are unlucky or not smart enough to succeed. A life coach can help challenge these narratives, reframing them to focus on how personal actions and mindset play a role in outcomes.

    Example: A client who believes they are unlucky in their career might learn to see how their skills, attitude, and networking efforts have a significant impact on job opportunities.

    Encouraging Personal Accountability

    Life coaches emphasize personal responsibility by helping clients recognize the power of their decisions and actions. Through goal-setting and accountability measures, they encourage clients to take ownership of their behavior and its outcomes.

    Actionable Approach: Coaches often assign specific tasks and check-ins that require individuals to take proactive steps, whether in their career, relationships, or health. By holding the individual accountable, the coach reinforces the idea that effort leads to tangible results.

    Developing Problem-Solving Skills

    One of the hallmarks of an internal locus of control is a proactive approach to problem-solving. A life coach can teach clients to break down challenges into smaller, manageable tasks and tackle them one at a time. This shift helps individuals see that they have the tools to affect change, even in complex situations.

    Example Exercise: A coach might guide a client through developing a strategy for a major life transition—such as changing careers—by setting incremental goals and offering techniques for overcoming obstacles along the way.

    Building Self-Confidence

    People with an external locus of control often lack confidence in their abilities to make a difference in their lives. Life coaches work on boosting self-esteem by helping clients focus on their strengths and past successes. By recognizing these achievements, individuals start to see how their actions have positively influenced their circumstances.

    Reflection Exercise: A life coach may ask a client to reflect on a recent success, breaking down the steps they took to achieve it, reinforcing the idea that their actions matter.

    Resilience and Growth Mindset Development

    Life coaches help clients cultivate a growth mindset, which aligns closely with an internal locus of control. A growth mindset means believing that abilities and intelligence can develop through effort, perseverance, and learning. Coaches encourage clients to see failures as learning opportunities, helping them bounce back stronger.

    Coaching Insight: Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, a life coach will guide the client to ask, “What can I learn from this experience?” and “How can I improve next time?”

    Shifting Focus from What Can’t Be Controlled

    While an internal locus of control is valuable, it’s equally important to recognize that some factors are beyond our control. Life coaches help clients distinguish between what they can and cannot control, which reduces stress and fosters a healthier outlook on life.

    Balancing Act: Coaches often work on helping individuals accept the inevitability of external factors (like market changes or others’ decisions) while focusing on what they can control (like their response or preparation).

    How Locus of Control Affects Life Areas

    Career and Work

    People with an internal locus of control often aim for leadership positions, believing they can influence organizational outcomes. A life coach can help professionals navigate their career growth by focusing on skill development and strategic decision-making.

    Health and Well-Being

    Individuals with an internal locus are more likely to engage in health-promoting behaviors. Life coaches can offer accountability and motivation, helping clients stick to routines like exercise or dietary changes.


    Life coaches can help clients improve their relationships by fostering personal accountability, effective communication, and emotional intelligence—tools that come with an internal locus of control.

    Understanding the difference between an external and internal locus of control is key to personal development and success. While neither is inherently “better,” those with an internal locus tend to be more proactive, accountable, and resilient. Working with a life coach can be a powerful way to shift toward an internal locus of control. By encouraging personal responsibility, building confidence, and developing problem-solving skills, life coaches help individuals take charge of their lives and create lasting change.

    Through this process, people can gain a stronger sense of agency, leading to greater satisfaction in their personal and professional lives.

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  • How Happiness Boosts Self-Esteem

    Self-esteem and happiness are closely intertwined, with one significantly influencing the other. When people are happier, they tend to have higher self-esteem, which further contributes to their overall well-being. In this article, we’ll explore the connection between happiness and self-esteem, and how working with a life coach can help cultivate both, leading to a more fulfilling life.

    Self-esteem is the way we perceive our worth and value, while happiness is the overall satisfaction and contentment we feel in life. These two aspects are deeply connected. Research has shown that people who are happier tend to have a more positive view of themselves, which naturally boosts their self-esteem. But why is this the case?

    1. Positive Emotions Build Resilience: When you feel happy, your brain releases chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, which create a sense of well-being. This positive emotional state helps you handle challenges better and maintain a more resilient mindset. As a result, you start viewing yourself as capable and confident, which increases self-esteem.
    2. Achievement and Fulfillment: People often feel happier when they experience a sense of accomplishment or personal growth. When you’re happy, you’re more likely to engage in activities that challenge you and push you to grow. The fulfillment from achieving these goals reinforces a positive self-image, further enhancing self-esteem.
    3. Healthier Relationships: Happiness improves social interactions. When you’re content with your life, you’re more likely to nurture healthy relationships. Positive social support boosts self-esteem because it validates your worth and provides emotional security. These supportive connections also help you feel more secure in who you are, reducing self-doubt.
    4. Reduced Negative Self-Talk: Happiness can act as a buffer against negative thinking. People with higher levels of happiness are less likely to engage in destructive patterns of self-criticism and comparison. This reduction in negative self-talk is crucial for building and maintaining high self-esteem.

    The Role of a Life Coach in Building Happiness and Self-Esteem

    While happiness and self-esteem are deeply connected, many people struggle to cultivate both on their own. This is where a life coach can be invaluable. Life coaches are trained professionals who help individuals clarify their goals, overcome obstacles, and achieve personal growth. Here are ways a life coach can help foster happiness and boost self-esteem:

    1. Clarifying Goals and Values: Many people feel stuck or unsatisfied in life because they haven’t clearly defined what truly makes them happy. A life coach helps individuals identify their core values and align their life goals with these values. This clarity allows people to pursue goals that are meaningful to them, leading to greater fulfillment and, in turn, higher self-esteem.
    2. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Low self-esteem often stems from deeply rooted beliefs about oneself, such as “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve success.” Life coaches use techniques such as cognitive reframing to challenge and transform these negative beliefs. By helping individuals recognize their strengths and potential, life coaches enable them to shift their mindset, fostering both happiness and self-esteem.
    3. Encouraging Action and Accountability: Taking action toward meaningful goals is essential for happiness, but it’s easy to procrastinate or get discouraged along the way. A life coach provides encouragement and holds individuals accountable for making progress. This accountability helps people stay on track, leading to a sense of achievement that boosts both happiness and self-worth.
    4. Cultivating Positive Habits: Happiness is not a constant state, but a byproduct of healthy habits and routines. Life coaches guide clients in developing habits that promote mental and emotional well-being, such as mindfulness, gratitude, and regular physical activity. These practices not only elevate mood but also contribute to a more positive self-image over time.
    5. Providing Unbiased Support: Sometimes, people need a safe space to discuss their fears, frustrations, or doubts. Life coaches offer a non-judgmental environment where individuals can explore their feelings without fear of criticism. This emotional support is crucial for building self-esteem because it helps individuals feel understood and validated.

    Happiness and self-esteem are closely connected, with one influencing the other in a positive feedback loop. When people are happier, they feel more confident and capable, which strengthens their self-esteem. In turn, higher self-esteem contributes to greater happiness, as individuals become more resilient and capable of facing life’s challenges.

    A life coach plays a pivotal role in helping individuals break through barriers to happiness and self-worth. By offering guidance, encouragement, and accountability, a life coach empowers people to pursue a fulfilling life that aligns with their values, resulting in a greater sense of self-esteem and overall well-being.

    Ultimately, investing in both happiness and self-esteem leads to a more rewarding life. With the right support and mindset, it’s possible to achieve both—and live a life full of purpose, joy, and self-acceptance.

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  • Do I Need a Life Coach or Therapist? Free Quiz (NO Email Required)


    For each question, choose the answer that best describes your current situation. Write it down on a piece of paper, or on a notes app on your phone, and then add up all the A’s and B’s separately.


    1. What are you primarily seeking help with?

      A) Achieving personal or professional goals

      B) Managing emotional difficulties or mental health issues

    2. Do you have specific goals you want to achieve?

      A) Yes, I have specific goals in mind (or need help finding clarity on them)

      B) Not really, I’m more focused on understanding my feelings

    3. Have you experienced any traumatic events that still affect you?

      A) No, I haven’t experienced significant trauma

      B) Yes, I have faced trauma that impacts my life

    4. How comfortable are you discussing your past?

      A) I’m open to discussing my past if it helps me move forward

      B) I find it difficult to talk about my past experiences

    5. What do you hope to achieve from working with someone?

      A) Guidance on setting and reaching my goals

      B) Support in processing emotions and past experiences

    6. Do you prefer a structured plan for achieving goals?

      A) Yes, I like to have a clear plan

      B) Not really, I prefer to explore at my own pace

    7. What is your preferred approach to personal development?

      A) Goal-oriented and practical

      B) Reflective and exploratory


    • Mostly A’s: You may benefit more from a life coach. Life coaching focuses on achieving personal and professional goals, developing skills, and creating strategies for the future.
    • Mostly B’s: You might need a therapist. Therapy is more suited for those dealing with mental health issues, emotional difficulties, and trauma, providing a safe space for exploration and healing.

    Regardless of your results, remember that both life coaches and therapists can play valuable roles in personal development. If you’re unsure, consider reaching out for a consultation with both to see which path feels right for you.

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    Different Approaches: Life Coach vs. Therapist

    Goal Setting

    Life Coach:
    • Focus on helping clients set and achieve specific goals.
    • Techniques: SMART goal-setting (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound), visualization exercises.
    • Use accountability measures like regular check-ins and progress tracking.
    • Goals revolve around emotional healing and mental health improvement.
    • Approach: Exploratory, understanding underlying issues affecting behavior and emotions.
    • Techniques: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to understand thought patterns and set realistic goals for emotional well-being.

    Exploring Emotions

    Life Coach:
    • Focus on how emotions affect goal achievement.
    • Encourage clients to acknowledge and manage feelings to support ambitions.
    • Techniques: Motivational techniques and positive affirmations.
    • Delve deeper into emotional exploration.
    • Help clients unpack and process feelings related to past experiences, trauma, or relationships.
    • Techniques: Talk therapy, mindfulness, art therapy.


    Life Coach:
    • Solution-focused approach.
    • Emphasize practical strategies and actionable steps to overcome obstacles.
    • Techniques: Brainstorming sessions, role-playing, future-mapping.
    • Analytical approach to problem-solving.
    • Explore root causes of issues before seeking solutions.
    • Techniques: Psychodynamic therapy to understand how past influences present behaviors.


    Life Coach:
    • Accountability is a cornerstone.
    • Frequently check in with clients to ensure follow-through on commitments and progress.
    • Offer support and guidance without focusing on accountability.
    • Encourage self-reflection and personal responsibility.

    Behavior Modification

    Life Coach:
    • Employ behavior modification techniques to develop new habits or change undesirable behaviors.
    • Techniques: Positive reinforcement, habit-tracking apps, reward systems.
    • Use behavioral therapy techniques to modify behavior, particularly for anxiety or depression.
    • Techniques: Exposure therapy to gradually face fears in a controlled environment.

    Support and Encouragement

    Life Coach:
    • Provide encouragement and motivation to pursue goals.
    • Techniques: Motivational interviewing, positive psychology.
    • Offer emotional support, empathy, and validation.
    • Create a safe, non-judgmental space for clients to express feelings.
    • Techniques: Active listening, reflective responses.

    While both life coaches and therapists aim to help individuals improve their lives, their techniques and approaches differ significantly based on their focus. Life coaches emphasize goal achievement, motivation, and accountability, often using practical and solution-focused techniques. In contrast, therapists provide deeper emotional exploration and healing, focusing on mental health issues and utilizing therapeutic methodologies to help clients understand and process their experiences. Depending on individual needs, one may be more appropriate than the other.

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